Solution for Stress-Free Appeals

We have a team of experts who specialize in reinstating suspended Amazon Seller Accounts. We understand the frustration that comes with a suspended account and empathize with your situation. That’s why we act fast to get you back up and running. Our response team is made up of experienced professionals who are skilled at crafting a personalized Amazon Appeal Letter and Plan of Action. We guarantee delivery of these documents within 24 to 72 hours. Our goal is to get you reinstated as soon as possible.

Suspensions We've Dealt With

  • Inauthentic or Counterfeit item
  • Intellectual property
  • Product safety complaints
  • Listing do not match detail page
  • Used item sold as new
  • Not as advertised
  • Expired item
  • Selling prohibited Items
  • Right Owner notice of infringement
  • Order defect rate >1%
  • Late shipment rate >4%
  • Pre-fulfilment cancel rate >2.5%
  • Confirm orders prior to actual shipment of the item
  • Review manipulation
  • Tax identity
  • Invoice manipulation
  • Misusing ASIN variations
  • Related account suspension
  • Suspension for no reason
  • Valid tracking rate
  • Invoice defect rate suspension

Suspension Frequently Asked Questions

It can take less than 24 hours or it could take longer depending on your situation and the complexity of your suspension.

Yes, there are several reasons behind still being able to reinstate your account. While it is more difficult – we promise it can be done.

Yes, we can still help you reinstate your Amazon seller account.

After your account has been suspended or banned, it is very tough to appeal and to get a human to decide whether to reinstate your account. Luckily, with our years of expertise, we have accumulated numerous contact emails of relevant personnel and we are well versed in communicating with them to expedite the process. However, it is important to realize that none of these solutions work for every scenario. Each scenario requires a different strategy, and our team decides upon the best possible path before submitting your appeal.

This is not a one size fits all situation. You cannot just copy a format off the internet and submit an appeal. With our appeal process, you shall be getting a complete detailed requirement-based tailormade appeal that has been written by professionals with numerous years of experience and hundreds of reinstatements for clients under their belts. The language of your appeal is key towards getting you reinstated, let our professionals handle it for you.

Yes! whether it has been suspended for a couple of days or even years, if you can still access your Amazon seller central account, we can appeal it.

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Please provide your details below and we will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your free consultation.