JUNE 2021

Buie Holistic Herbs

Buie Holistic Herbs, a US-based natural herb brand, approached us with a goal to improve their indexing visibility on Amazon and obtain help with product setup and design. The brand had never run ads and needed assistance with updating their listings.

We conducted a thorough analysis of their product listings and identified areas that required improvement to enhance their indexing visibility. We optimized their products and keywords to increase the visibility of their products on Amazon. Additionally, we suggested packaging updates and provided pricing analysis to help them stand out from the competition.

Once we resolved the ground level issues, we helped Buie Holistic Herbs initiate their advertising campaigns. We also helped them gather reviews to improve their brand reputation.

As a result of our efforts, Buie Holistic Herbs’ sales increased from under $10,000 to over $800,000 per year. Moreover, we helped them launch in Canada and UAE, expanding their reach to new markets.

Our efforts resulted in significant improvements in Buie Holistic Herbs’ Amazon sales and indexing visibility, demonstrating our expertise in Amazon marketing and our commitment to our clients’ success.


Just Bin Bags

Just Bin Bags, a UK-based supplier to various industries including the NHS, care homes, and schools, faced a significant challenge after COVID-19. Despite initially experiencing good sales during the pandemic, they had to cut costs on ads by up to 15% after COVID, which led to a cash flow issue. They approached us to help them resolve their issues.

We conducted a thorough analysis of their Vendor Central Account and found numerous technical issues and unfair chargebacks that resulted in 45-day holds on their payouts. We resolved these problems, which helped them break even.

Their sales had decreased by 60% after stopping ads, and we quickly identified the root cause of the issue and developed a crisis management plan. We took control of the situation and provided effective solutions to help Just Bin Bags regain their lost sales.

Our crisis management strategies, along with our expertise in resolving technical issues, allowed Just Bin Bags to resume their operations and regain their lost revenue. We were able to help them overcome their challenges and continue to serve their customers with high-quality bin bags. Our work for Just Bin Bags demonstrates our commitment to our clients’ success and our expertise in managing crises.


Global Natureon

Global Natureon, a health and wellness brand based in Poland, faced a significant challenge when one of their products was suspended on Amazon. Despite previous attempts by other consultants, they were unable to get the product reinstated due to incorrect identification as containing CBD. Global Natureon approached us for assistance, and we were able to reinstate the product within a week, with sales resuming within a month.

To address the problem, we conducted a thorough analysis of their performance notifications and violation notifications. We drafted a counter-argument alongside a plan of action document and collected evidence to support our case. We also had lab testing done to submit lab reports to Amazon support, proving that the product did not contain CBD, but rather an unauthorized health claim had been made.

Our expertise in reinstatement and understanding of Amazon policies allowed us to resolve the issue and reinstate the product on the marketplace.

Our work for Global Natureon demonstrates our commitment to our clients’ success and our expertise in managing account suspension and reinstatement issues. We are proud to have helped Global Natureon regain their lost sales and ensure they can continue to offer high-quality health and wellness products to their customers.

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